370 West Dundee, Wheeling 60090
Illinois 60090, USA
Mon - Sat 9am - 6pm
370 west Dundee, wheeling 60090
Illinois 60090, USA
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00
370 west Dundee, wheeling 60090 Illinois 60090, USA

7/26/21 News You Can Use at 2300-2310 Harlem Towers

  • Posted by: neder
  • Category: Monthly Newsletter

Welcome back Harlem Towers residents to the second installment in our new newsletter that aims to inform you, the residents, of upcoming changes, renovations, and projects. We hope you enjoy receiving news on a monthly basis that affects your home. 


Major lobby renovations pt 2

The lobby renovations are progressing as you may have noticed, we have already set up plans with contractors and purchased material to provide you with a more modern lobby experience. If you have any feedback, comments or concerns please feel free to share them with info@nedercapital.com. We plan on beginning renovations in the coming month. 


Elevator renovations 

Both 2310 and 2300 side elevators will be renovated and rehabbed to ensure a smooth entry to your unit. We plan on painting both elevators to a more modern black from the current tan/brown as well as replacing the doors to prevent the elevators from getting stuck at a floor as you may have experienced yourself. Another step we are taking to provide a better experience to every tenant is installing cameras inside the elevators, this layer of security is one we are sure every resident will appreciate. 


Parking notices 

As you hopefully have noticed, we are currently in the process of re-doing our parking system to provide every tenant with a spot. If you have not already done so, please fill out the form that is labelled on every floor in front of the elevators, it takes only 30 seconds and will save you the possibility of getting towed. We will begin assigning spots and stickers to tenants to get the system organized. 


This concludes our second newsletter. We hope that you may have found some of the information presented here useful and have become more aware of the plans that are in store for the building’s future. See you all next month, and as always if you have any questions, comments, or concerns please contact us here. 

Thank you for your patience and we hope you’re excited for the improvements! 


Author: neder